Well, some fans of Pedro Negrini Benneti told me: You are bitch, you lie,die, Pedro will never want you becouse you are ugly and stupid! But.. I have a proof! I don't want Pedro,Pedro want me! ;) And now you can be jelous, I don't care ;) And now lets see a proof! ;)
I hope you believe me now! I'm not lying -.-'' and Pedro want me! I don't want him. Bye! And enjoy in picture!
ELLA : Jedna mala od rijethih djevojka koja obozava internet. Mozda cete biti arogantni - ali uzmite u obzir da se vecina ocjenjuje po fotograijama. Stvarnost je sasvim drugacija i kad bih imala nesto za reci rekla bi nesto poput ovog : Ella je lijepa,mlada dama :)) koja nije arogantna, mogu pomoci drugima,naravno. Sada bi neki rekli : Ja ovu nikako ne znam. No pogreska je u tome: to sto ja ne zivim u blizini vas ne znaci da sam u stvarnosti nepoznata.
ponedjeljak, 12. rujna 2011.
subota, 3. rujna 2011.
Moj Facebook,Twitter and other.. ;D
Svi znate da ima previše ljudi koji mi kradu slike, tj. kradu moj indentitet. Zato ću vam sada nabrojati sve moje web lokacije tako da ne bi naišli na "Lažni profil" ili nešto slično. Pa počnimo! :D
My Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/ella.coriic / Other are FAKES! Maybe i will made one more! ;) But you will know that :*
My Twitter (Follow me, i will follow back if you want): http://twitter.com/#!/Ellacoriic again, Follow me! :D
My Formspring♥ http://www.formspring.me/EllaCoric / You can ask me anything!
Soo, that is MY! Other are FAKES! >.< And don't be stupid i trust them! Thank you! Ella!
My Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/ella.coriic / Other are FAKES! Maybe i will made one more! ;) But you will know that :*
My Twitter (Follow me, i will follow back if you want): http://twitter.com/#!/Ellacoriic again, Follow me! :D
My Formspring♥ http://www.formspring.me/EllaCoric / You can ask me anything!
Soo, that is MY! Other are FAKES! >.< And don't be stupid i trust them! Thank you! Ella!
Friends 4Ever! Nika, Martina and Lorena! I LOVE YOU!
Sljedeće ljude koje nabrojim - za njih bi učinila sve! Jer ih volim i cjenim a i oni također mene. Ako se ne nalazite u o ovom mom blogu znači da za vas nema mjesta, jednostavno niste dobri prijatelji! Možete me mrziti i ostale gluposti, i hvala vam na tome, dižete mi rejting! :*
Znači za sljedeće osobe učinila bih SVE!
The following people that count - for them to do anything! Because I love them and appreciated and they are also me. If you are not noticed my blog this means that there is no place for you, simply are not good friends! You can hate me and other nonsense, and thank you for it, booting my rating! : *
So for the next person would do anything! (Sorry for mistakes xD)
Lorena Horvat
Martina Čižić
Veronika Vetrova
Uvijek tu za vas! Vaša Ella! <3
Znači za sljedeće osobe učinila bih SVE!
The following people that count - for them to do anything! Because I love them and appreciated and they are also me. If you are not noticed my blog this means that there is no place for you, simply are not good friends! You can hate me and other nonsense, and thank you for it, booting my rating! : *
So for the next person would do anything! (Sorry for mistakes xD)
Lorena Horvat
Martina Čižić
Veronika Vetrova
Uvijek tu za vas! Vaša Ella! <3
petak, 2. rujna 2011.
Fucking truth about Me (Ella Coric) and my boyfriend Pedro Negrini!!
My love! *___* I love you Pedro!
Now, this is for HATERS and girls who hate me 'couse I'm with Pedro! You are sick and --- > Please read this:
Pedro post on his web-site that this is not he on the pic - that is FUCKING TRUTH! >.< Well, he told me that is our little secret -.-'' but i STILL LOVE HIM! :'( Eu TE AMO PEDRO :$ And that is not impornt is he on pic or no, i LOVE HIM AND THAT IS THAT! Goodbye HATERS! :**
Now, this is for HATERS and girls who hate me 'couse I'm with Pedro! You are sick and --- > Please read this:
Pedro post on his web-site that this is not he on the pic - that is FUCKING TRUTH! >.< Well, he told me that is our little secret -.-'' but i STILL LOVE HIM! :'( Eu TE AMO PEDRO :$ And that is not impornt is he on pic or no, i LOVE HIM AND THAT IS THAT! Goodbye HATERS! :**
nedjelja, 14. kolovoza 2011.
Something about... you know!
"Ladies, you need to understand that as long as you got a vagina, you run the entire motherfucking universe. That's the way it is. You need to understand that. Ladies, I'm telling you.. You gotta be the shit to you. Stop waiting on a lil boy to verify if you the shit or not. Bitch, if you the shit, you the motherfucking shit." --Katt Williams
"I'm not saying girls are perfect, because we know that's not true.. But why be unfaithful to her, when she was true to you?" --Tupac Shakur
"Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain." --Unknown
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." --Martin Luther King Jr.
"I'm not saying girls are perfect, because we know that's not true.. But why be unfaithful to her, when she was true to you?" --Tupac Shakur
"Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain." --Unknown
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." --Martin Luther King Jr.
subota, 6. kolovoza 2011.
Show must go ON!
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
„Ima trenutaka koji bolje da se nisu dogodili.Ima reči koje bolje da nismo izgovorili.Ima dana koje bolje da nismo doživeli.Ima stvari koje smo kasno uvideli.Postoje snovi koje bolje da nismo sanjali.Postoje iluzije kojima se nismo trebali nadati.Postoje osobe zbog kojih nismo trebali plakati.Postoje slabosti koje moramo savladati.“
„Ima trenutaka koji bolje da se nisu dogodili.Ima reči koje bolje da nismo izgovorili.Ima dana koje bolje da nismo doživeli.Ima stvari koje smo kasno uvideli.Postoje snovi koje bolje da nismo sanjali.Postoje iluzije kojima se nismo trebali nadati.Postoje osobe zbog kojih nismo trebali plakati.Postoje slabosti koje moramo savladati.“
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